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PHD IS, Applied Management, Decision Science

I am a 42-year-old man who was born in Kingston, Jamaica, and raised mainly in Dallas, Texas. I have highly diverse interests and a deep appreciation for the diversity of America, my native state of Texas in particular, and my adopted city of choice, New York. I hold a B.A. Degree in Information Systems from XXXX College in the Bronx, NY, and I would like very much to begin studying for the Ph.D. Degree at XXXX University in the area of Applied Management and Decision Science. I am particularly interested in and look forward to developing a particular focus in the area of Information Systems. I have always been interested in the Managerial aspects of Information Systems, especially regarding what information systems can contribute to the creative management of business operations.

I am especially interested in doing graduate work in Applied Management and Decision Science with a specialization in Information Systems. I am most interested in System Analysis, Design and Implementation, Security Management, and Risk Assessment. With the core courses that are part of the program at XXXX, I will face unprecedented challenges, and I welcome this learning experience. I particularly look forward to learning how to analyze and even design computer systems. Perhaps most of all, I look forward to studying Organizational Performance Improvement and E-Commerce Strategies. My long-term professional goals are centered on contributing my professional expertise to the people and government of Jamaica. I am also interested in teaching, especially in my native country.

I have worked for six years as an Installation Manager with a designing company, Transform, and I also own a restaurant, Wings To Go, where I have always been actively involved as an Operations Manager. I am a humble man, yet ambitious, determined to continue to struggle to refine my abilities and excel in all areas of my graduate studies upon returning to school with a Ph.D. Program. I am very organized, creative, and often able to identify characteristics of critical importance for resolving a problem or developing a business, something my friends and associates admire. I like helping people, I am a team player, and my colleagues tell me I am easy to work with.

If I envision topics that I am attracted to in terms of a doctoral dissertation that I might write to complete your program, I would like to write about the role of information technology in today's Jamaica. This work would, at the same time, fulfill the requirements for the Ph.D. Degree from XXXX and also provide me with a good working basis and research experience to build upon for the rest of my professional life. I am especially attracted to the area of organizational performance improvement and, in particular, with reference to technology management. I am very confident that XXXX is the best choice for me to continue my studies and that investing so much of my time towards this degree at XXXX will greatly enhance my performance for the long haul and provide me with the necessary foundation to continue creative research and educational endeavors and initiatives for many years to come. Most importantly, also in the long term, it is hoped that my labors will actually make a modest contribution to the economic advancement of Jamaica, especially in terms of technological management.

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