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MS Educational Administration, Bilingual

XXXX is my first choice for graduate school because I feel so strongly that its Master's Program in Educational Administration is the ideal program for my research interests and long-term professional goals. I want to be a part of your Program for School, which is seen as my perfect job, being a School Business Administrator qualified for New Jersey certification. This will be a further step up the ladder to professional and general self-fulfillment, allowing me to assume broader responsibility for the school, building upon my experience as an elementary school language teacher.

For years, my principal professional objective has been to expose my students to the Spanish language, providing the context for an immersion experience to the extent that has been attainable, taking full advantage of ties to the Hispanic communities surrounding us. My students learn how to communicate with native speakers on various topics, gaining invaluable cultural appreciation skills, especially for target Spanish-speaking cultures. I encourage my students to continue to learn, not only in Spanish but in various languages, so that they may have more rewarding personal and professional opportunities in the future. In sum, I help my students to develop a healthy attitude toward other cultures that are different from their own, something that I see as crucial to adequately addressing the many social problems that are so pronounced in this country and throughout the world, more generally speaking. I am pleased that you give preference to teachers for admission to your program, and I, too, feel passionately that teachers make excellent candidates for school administrators. I especially look forward to the opportunity for rich experiences in the field as part of the program at XXXX and studying a broad gambit of state of the art treatments of the subjects of School Supervision and Organizational Theory with a special eye towards computer applications.

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